Porvenir app
Porvenir aims to be an app for all those people who want a tool to help them manage their time and what they do with it, so the app combines task management, habits and routines to optimize time in the best possible way and acquire habits and routines that help the user to get to where he/she wants to be.
Porvenir is the app that helps you organize and create your future
Porvenir is a word that in Spanish means "future event or time" or "future situation of a person" so it seemed to us the perfect name that summarizes with a single word the essence of our app, referring both to the tasks that the user must perform in the future, as well as the place where the user will arrive in the future thanks to the acquisition of those habits and routines that will have generated thanks to the app.
The Challenge & the solution
We have many things to do and because we do not know how to manage our time correctly we stop doing other things, generating stress, mental noise and frustration.
That the user can establish and follow a plan/method of organization and time management adaptable to his/her needs and that generates adherence.
A digital tool that provides the people with a time management method co-created by the user according to the user's preferences.